Our Mission at Calvary Bible Church is to be a God-Honoring, Christ-Centered, Spirit Empowered, People-Driven Church.
A God-Honoring existence flows out of our conviction that the Word of God is fully sufficient for all of life and is the final standard for all truth.
The only possible way to be a God-centered people is to be a Christ-exalting people. We recognize that such Christ-exalting ministry will involve an ever-increasing intensity in worship, service, and love, and we are committed to such pursuits.
A God-centered and Christ-exalting ministry must be Spirit-empowered. In other words, as we grow and mature in Christ as a church family, we will rely wholly on the Spirit of God by whom we are sealed.
Finally, we believe that the natural result of this God-centered, Christ-exalting, and Spirit-empowered focus is a People-driven ministry. We will seek to use our spiritual gifts and resources to serve the people of our community and world for the glory of Jesus Christ.